
Review - Gary Andrews (Sequences Magazine)

Michael Meara is a musician based in Australia. Looking on his website it is evident that Michael is a prolific purveyor of electronic music in the classic ambient genre, with fifteen albums under his belt and more projects on the way.

Although the albums are self-released on recordable compact disc, it is evident that the musicianship and quality of the music is of a professional standard and a labour of love.

The Abstractus album with its Meditations title and spacey cover conjures up images of a serene space music before the album even hits the CD player. With titles like Dark Nebulae and The Decline Of Nova Persei the music entices the listener to venture inside ones own psyche but could just as well be used as a useful tool for relaxation or as a background music to work or a creative use such as writing.

Michael has produced an album of classic space music that should have its own niche in the electronic music world that is in equal stature to artists like Steve Roach or the more cosmic side of Klaus Schulze, it's that good.

Review - Sonic Immersion

A while back, my attention was drawn by a tip of one of the members of EmPortal to this Australian ambient musician I hadn't heard of. Well, the musician's website told me Michael Meara put out around 15 self-released cd-r albums next to having contributed single tracks to various concept compilations/samplers.

The albums subtitle title actually says it all, as "Abstractus Somnarium" contains six relaxing and well composed space floaters to make your mind settle, take a rest or make it wander.

Next to soft freeform textures there are also some sonic additions of twinkling piano, violin, and guitar, all sculptured in a delicate, refined form of cosmic music. Mr Meara shows a lot of potential, so those who love the space music of Roach should certainly not dwell & check out this wonderful music.

Keep an eye on this guy!